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Love to Dance

Supporting the

health and creativity

of older people through inspirational, movement led arts activity.

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Love to Dance was an Arts Council funded project supporting the physical, mental and social well-being of older people through high quality creative arts provision, particularly dance. Consisting of two strands of work, a team of community dancers worked in care home settings and also in developing a number of companies of active older dancers in Devon and Somerset.

Love to Dance Sharing Day

Groups from Exeter, Crediton, Sidmouth and North Curry performed specially commissioned work as part of the Crediton Festival. The groups worked with each other in workshops followed by performances in the afternoon.

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Love to Dance
ran groups in Devon
and Somerset.

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A key strand of our work was developing new and existing dance groups for older people, who met regularly to create work, go and see exciting dance, organise dance parties and occasionally perform at events.

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Love to Dance Sidmouth

A gentle class for the maturing body. Based on contemporary dance, these classes were enjoyable exercise for Every Body.

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Love to Dance Exeter

Breathe, stretch, swing, release, bounce, a bit of fast, a bit of slow, a bit of flick, a bit of spin, a bit of play and a lot of dance to great music.

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Love to Dance Crediton

These fun sessions were a chance to be inventive and be with like-minded people who enjoy creative dance and the health benefits dancing can offer.

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